viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

True love

Love is a feeling that comes from the depths of the heart and soul. True love can appear at any time in the life of the human being. However, one of the most important stages in which each person begins to feel and experience what love is, is in adolescence. Adolescence allows each person to know himself, so that he can love and thus be ready to love another person. At this stage there may be several experiences between good and bad that will form the character and personality of the person.

True love is an inexplicable feeling but it can be described. Love can start with a single smile or a flirty look. Then you know that person and little by little you become an important person in our life in such a way that you begin to feel a special affection and wanting the happiness of the other person. . That is when you begin to love one person to another. That tingling in the stomach when you see that person or the stupid smile you cause with a single message from him or her. Then without realizing it becomes indispensable in your life because without this person they would feel incomplete. This can occur in any stage of life, such as in adolescence, adulthood or even old age. The secret to love is to give everything without expecting anything in return, to risk everything

"In the end, what remains is to embrace, trust in the other, love and let love in the midst of the shooting that is life" 

-Fito Paez.

By: Selena Torres (07-04-2017)

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